Markdown keyboard shortcuts

The markdown shortcuts plugin enables typing shortcuts (similar to Notion, recently ported to Google Docs) that initiate the corresponding markdown blocks.

Notice that you will need the corresponding plugins for the markdown blocks listed before markdownShortcutPlugin() to enable support.

<MDXEditor markdown="hello world" plugins={[headingsPlugin(), listsPlugin(), linkPlugin(), quotePlugin(), markdownShortcutPlugin()]} />

Supported shortcuts

  • Use one to six # characters to create a heading. The number of # characters determines the heading level.
  • Use * or - to create a list item.
  • Use > to create a block quote.
  • Select a text and press Ctrl+B to make it bold, Ctrl+I to make it italic, or Ctrl+U to underline it. Use Cmd on macOS.
  • With text selected, use Cmd+K to open the link dialog.
  • Use ` to create inline code.
  • Type ```$lang (with $lang being any supported language, followed by space) to insert a code block.